How to use ? - Faraday torch
Step 3
Cut off the plastic part of three of the connectors of the 7 connectors strip. This will help the small "feet" of the condenser to reach the contacts.
Connect the "feet" of both the condenser and the rectifier to the strip of connectors. Screw them tightly to ensure a good contact .
Follow exactly the way the different elements are connected on the drawing (the negative terminals of the condenser and the rectifier are facing the outside of the strip of connectors - the condenser's negative terminal is indicated by a coloured stripe).
Step 4
Strip the ends of all electric wires. Connect the wires and the two copper coil ends to the electric block exactly as shown on the drawing.
The two electric wires with a loose end must measure about 25 cm long to allow an easy final assembly.
Follow exactly the way the different elements are connected on the drawing. If possible, use electric wires of different colours.
Step 11
If needed, shorten up the wires coming out of the bottles.
Connect the two red wires to the switch.
Pass the switch from the inside of the cap with the large hole and screw its cover back on the other side.
Pass the "feet" of the LED through the two small holes in the other cap and connect them on the other side to a pair of electrical connectors (to fit the pair of electircal connectors inside the cap, it's better to cut it as close as possible of it's metal contacts).
Connect the remainging free wires coming out the bottle to the pair of electrical connectors.
Screw back the caps on the bottles.